Obsidian Oathstone – WoW Dragonflight Quest

Quest Name Level Requires Level Side Rewards Experience Gold Location
Obsidian Oathstone
60 60 None 1,150 2 64 45 The Waking Shores

Locate the Obsidian Oathstone.

Sabellian Arrives (1)
Speak with Wrathion at the Oathstone (1)
Oathstone Examined slain (1)


When Neltharion became the Earth-Warder, he swore an oath to protect this world, <name>. To safeguard the deep places of the earth and, with his flight, to serve as Azeroth’s defenders. The Obsidian Oathstone represents that promise. We must activate the stone and let the Dragon Isles know that the black dragonflight has returned! Follow me, <name>.


You will receive: 2 57 40


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 1,150 experience
See if you’ve already completed this by typing:

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(66049))

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