Shipment: Bright Armor Relic

Shipment: Bright Armor Relic

StartTimothy Jones
World questNo
ReputationKirin Tor +32.5
Rewards[Dalaran Jewelcrafter's Token]
7 40


You must complete the quest Quest:Finish the Shipment, acquired from Timothy Jones in Dalaran before you can complete any Jewelcrafting daily quest.

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Combine an Elemental Armor Scrap, a Bloodstone and a Huge Citrine to craft a Bright Armor Relic and bring it to Timothy Jones in Dalaran.

You can find an Elemental Armor Scrap on any Northrend Revenant.

  •  [Bright Armor Relic]


A wealthy shipping concern has requested a collection of Bright Armor Relics to sell at Undermine. If you can bring me one, I can reward you with a Dalaran Jewelcrafter's Token.


Do you have a Bright Armor Relic for my Undermine shipment?


Here is your Dalaran Jewelcrafter's Token as promised. Come back tomorrow and I am sure I will have another item I need from you!


You will receive: 7 40
[Dalaran Jewelcrafter's Token]


  • 32.5 reputation with the Kirin Tor


The quest description is not accurate. It appears to drop off many elements including Revenants. For example, the  Sholazar Guardian and  Lifeblood Elemental also can drop the Elemental Armor Scrap.

The closest mob to Dalaran that can drop the quest item are the  [73-74] Crystalline Ice Elemental elementals, located in Coldwind Heights

[54, 20]

in northern Dragonblight.