Wrath Classic The Rod of Compulsion

The Rod of Compulsion

StartTorturer's Rod
EndHigh Executor Wroth
Requires Level 71
World questNo
Experience10150 (or 2 43 at level 80) XP
(this quest may give money at max level)
ReputationHand of Vengeance 75
Rewards2 50
NextThe Denouncement

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Deliver the Torturer's Rod to High Executor Wroth at Venomspite.

  •  [Torturer's Rod] (Provided)


A rod drops from LeCraft's dead hand. There are pulsing magical runes along its length.

Could this be how he was getting his confessions?

Better let the high executor have a look at it.


Did you get that rod from their torturer?


LeCraft had it you say? That makes sense.

I recognize it from my youthful days as a torturer in the court of King Terenas of fallen Lordaeron. It's known as a rod of compulsion.

<The high executor wrings his hands together in evil anticipation of what's to come.>

I have an idea for how we can make good use of it!


  • 2 50


  • 10150 XP (or 2 43 at level 80)
  • 75 reputation with Hand of Vengeance

Quest progression

  1.  [72] The Rod of Compulsion
  2.  [73] The Denouncement