World of Warcraft Zul¡¯drak

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Zul¡¯Drak is an area located in eastern Northrend. It is home to the Drakkari Ice Trolls and their Frost King Malakk. Their capital is the city of Gundrak. Zul¡¯Drak belongs to the Drakkari, who roam in hunting parties searching for prey. Old troll ruins are strewn across the countryside and the Scourge hovers just beyond the western border, waiting for a chance to strike. Climate-wise, Zul¡¯Drak is the least pleasant of the eastern regions. It¡¯s colder than the Grizzly Hills or the Howling Fjord, less majestic than the Storm Peaks, and more crowded than any of them - with most of the crowd being Drakkari. This region is the trolls¡¯ homeland, and they swarm the area looking for intruders and prey. It is covered in Drakkari ruins. Most other races avoid this region, and for good reason. Travelers do not need to go there for passage north or south ¡ª they can stick to the Grizzly Hills, which surround Zul¡¯Drak on both sides and reach all the way up to Crystalsong Forest and the Storm Peaks. The only reason anyone would want to visit Zul¡¯Drak is if they were explorers hoping to meet the Drakkari ¡ª and they better have a large group of armed warriors with them when they do.

The Drakkari have recently gone mad after they sacrificed their animal gods in an attempt to fight off the Scourge. The Argent Dawn will return to play a role in Zul¡¯Drak and the zone itself will be a giant ziggurat of the now broken civilization.

The Drakkari ice trolls are an old race, one of the first in Northrend and perhaps one of the first in all Azeroth. They were building homes in Zul¡¯Drak before the Great Sundering and never left their home, though some of them may have migrated south and become the jungle trolls and the other troll races. The furbolgs of Grizzlemaw have fought the Drakkari for many years.

Drakkari are tribal, and early in their history each tribe established its own territory and fought off any trespassers. Then one tribe conquered another and enslaved its warriors. These slaves were forced to build the victors a new and larger home, and their children became part of the dominant tribe. This tribe continued to conquer its neighbors, each time absorbing them, until finally it was powerful enough to claim all of Zul¡¯Drak as its kingdom. Any tribe that resisted was destroyed. Those tribes that accepted the powerful tribe¡¯s dominance were allowed to keep their own territories, provided they accepted any orders from the ruling tribe. Thus the Drakkari nation truly began. The central tribe¡¯s home became Gundrak, the capital city. The tribes still war among themselves, and the Frost King allows this because it keeps his people strong and aggressive. He coordinates border patrols and establishes protocols for calling all the tribes together should an army attack them in force. Many tribe chieftains thought these efforts foolish until they encountered the walking dead. Then the Frost King organized the other Drakkari and drove the dead from their lands. Thus far the Scourge has not penetrated into Zul¡¯Drak to any degree, though it claims Drak¡¯Tharon Keep, an old Drakkari stronghold in the Grizzly Hills just beyond Zul¡¯Drak¡¯s southwest edge.

Zul¡¯Drak is the Drakkari homeland. Their culture is believed to have existed long before the Great Sundering, and live here by the thousands. It¡¯s amazing this one land can support so many trolls, especially since fresh meat is their principle food. Fortunately for them, wild beasts roam the area as well and provide plenty of prey. Drakkari are unpleasant. They epitomize the nastiness and barbarism of trolls everywhere. They¡¯re large, bigger than any other troll and crude, and they prefer violence to discussion or negotiation. They¡¯re a barbaric people who practice voodoo and worship strange spirit-gods and devour their enemies ¡ª and sometimes their friends ¡ª raw. The only thing a Drakkari respects is strength and the only thing they want from others is fear and flesh. Fortunately, Drakkari are tribal. They live in small tribes throughout Zul¡¯Drak and wage war among themselves. Some bands of Drakkari slaughter each other simply because they met along the border between their two tribes. Such conflict helps keep the troll population down. No one else is foolish enough to share the region with them.
