Creating a Death Knight

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Any player that has a level 55 character will be able to create a Death Knight. The Death Knight begins the game at level 55 in the Eastern Plaguelands. Once created, they must complete a chain of quests to unlock their abilities. Death Knights can be of any race. You are limited to one Death Knight per realm per account. Creating a Death Knight is done through the character menu, just like creating other classes.

Once you've completed the starting quests, your new character will be level 58, with level appropriate gear, four 12-slot bags, and an epic mount. All fightpaths in Azeroth will be unlocked.


The Death Knight is a new hero class for the World of Warcraft: The Wrath of the Lich King expansion.

Death Knights are expected to fill a DPS/Tank role. They can wear plate armor but cannot use shields.

Death Knight will be the first of the new hero classes. These classes are to be based around specific Warcraft lore.
