PvE <--> PvP Balance Destroying WotLK Arenas

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DK's are struggling to fill a tanking role in WotLK PvE. It has been argued that they have too much ARENA survivability (originally intended for PvE tanking) at too little a cost in arenas. I say "too little a cost" because Frost in this latest build (9038) can burst VERY effectively and do more sustained than nearly every other class in the game currently. It is also the least kiteable of any DK specs. While obviously this leading to a homogenous Frost spec in arenas is certainly an important consideration (esp after the unholy nerfs), I want to try to stay on topic, which is PvE<-->PvP conversion issues.

To better illustrate the issue of DK's in arenas:

DK's currently have a stranglehold on top rated Beta representation. It could be argued that their overall popularity(being a cool new class) is skewing the numbers, but what should be considered is that we are all testing arenas on a server that allows instant level 80 premade creation. Therefore, a large chunk of DK population is likely other classes who had no intention of rolling a DK on release (or in Beta) but simply got tired of losing to DK teams in arenas and said "if you can't beat them, join them". I personally know and have interacted with MANY MANY people who said this is the reason they are currently logged on a DK in beta.

This is also bad, because it indirectly helps DK's by feeding the class massive amounts of testers that in turn offer positive suggestions and feedback to Devs (because many changed their mind and now intend to play DK on release). DK's are a brand new class, but they are arguably more "polished" than many pre-existing classes (especially poor warlocks who play VERY much like they did in TBC).

Suggestion on how to improve DK's necessity as a PvE class but tone down arena necessity:

I do not have much to offer in the way of PvE suggestions for this one. You could try to implement a new PvE tanking mechanic that would have little effect on PvP (the vice versa of resilience) and allow DK's to excel in this new stat or mechanic. Or else, as more of a band-aid fix, you could create additional PvE spells/raid buffs for DK's that have little or no arena effect to incentivize people to bring them as a DPS class (instead of a tank). In the interest of season 5 balance, their arena survivability cannot remain what it currently is, however.
