What is an instance zone?

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What is an instance zone

An instance zone refers to special zones that only you and your group are allowed to enter and explore.

Instance zones allow you and a group of friends to have a more personal experience exploring, adventuring, or completing quests in your own private dungeon. You also have the ability to invite others into your instance zone to join you. This relieves many of the camping, kill-stealing, and farming issues that MMORPGs sometimes face. The monsters in instance zones are typically more powerful, so groups of players will have to work together to defeat them, but with greater dangers come greater rewards!

An instance is a special copy of the dungeon for you and your party. The only players in this instance will be yourself and members in your party. No one else can enter this copy of the dungeon. This allows you your own personal dungeon without other outside interference. The dungeon is fully spawned and it is balanced and designed specifically for you and your party.

How can I Identify an Instance Area
You can recognize an instance area by the swirling blue portals of energy. If you pass through these doors you will see a loading screen.

Loading Screen
Are only world dungeons instanced
There are other instances besides dungeons such as the Stormwind Stockades. We may continue to add instance areas as needed.

What if someone is in copy A and wants to be in copy B
They must leave their first group and then exit the instance. The group in copy B must then invite that person outside the instance. The person can then "zone in" (enter) the instance and be in copy B.

What happens if everyone in the instance dies
That copy of the instance is left intact for several minutes. Players should return to the instance to make sure it doesn't reset. If you wait too long, the instance is reset.

How do I tell if the instance is reset/fresh
You will have to use your own experience/knowledge of the monster spawns to determine if the area is a new one or one that has already been played in. You can typically tell this by noticing how many monsters are there. Often, not all monsters respawn after being killed.

How do I get a new copy of an instance when I'm done playing in my current one
Leave the current instance. The party leader can reset a dungeon instance from the interface. If the party has recently been inside an instance but is now outside of the instance, the party leader will have a right-click option from their own portrait (where you select the loot UI preference) that is "Reset all Instances". If this is selected all non raid instances will be reset for the party.

You only get the reset instance option if you are a party leader.
The UI option appears if you are a party leader, you have one or more instances open, and you are not currently in an instance.
The UI option is a right-click option off of your own portrait (like party loot options).
You get a warning dialogue when you select this option asking if you really want to reset all instances.
If you select reset all instances, all non-raid instances will be reset to their starting condition.
What happens if I die How do I get my body back
When a player enters the instance as a ghost, they return to their body on the other side. They do not have to go through the instance looking for their body. The best way to handle death in an instance is to be resurrected to get back to the same spot.

Do the monsters respawn
It depends on the dungeon. In some cases only some of the monsters respawn. The bosses don't respawn because killing them without their minions' help would be too easy.
