Scryer vs. Aldor

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Scryer vs. Aldor

If you are looking for how to gain reputation with each side, then that part is simple. Various tokens drop off of Burning Legion and the Shadow Council throughout Nagrand, Blade's Edge Mountains, and Terokkar Forest. These tokens can be turned in for reputation with one side (which lowers your reputation with the other).

Inscriptions are like the ZG enchants, except they go on your shoulders, an item that previously had very few options when it came to enchanting (the Argent Dawn being the only enchant available I can think of). For most people it will come down to what class and build you prefer to play as to what side you should take. Remember, these enchants are useable by ANYONE as long as you the reputation to purchase them. They are Bind on Pickup though, so you will need the reputation with that faction to purchase them.

As far as enchants go, the Aldor add additional damage/healing over critical strike while the Scryer add more critical strike then damage/healing. Knowing this, you can pretty much tell where this is going. For PvE, tanks, Hunters, and anyone wanting more outright damage the Aldor will be best. Those looking for PvP enchants, more MP/5, and just more burst (critical strike massive damage) should go with the scryers.

That doesn't replace looking over the available information, though. You need to examine what they offer and see what you want the most for your character. Below is a list of available enchants that you can purchase and what level they are available. Scroll down for information on the available crafting recipes.

Aldor Scryer
Greater Inscription of Discipline
Permanently adds up to 18 spell damage and healing and 10 spell critical strike rating to a shoulder slot item. Does not stack with other enchantments for the selected equipment slot.
Greater Inscription of the Blade
Permanently adds 15 critical strike rating and 20 attack power to a shoulder slot item. Does not stack with other enchantments for the selected equipment slot.

Greater Inscription of Faith
Permanently adds up to 33 healing and 4 mana per 5 sec. to a shoulder slot item. Does not stack with other enchantments for the selected equipment slot.
Greater Inscription of the Knight
Permanently adds 15 defense rating and 10 dodge rating to a shoulder slot item. Does not stack with other enchantments for the selected equipment slot.

Greater Inscription of Vengeance
Permanently adds 30 attack power and 10 critical strike rating to a shoulder slot item. Does not stack with other enchantments for the selected equipment slot.
Greater Inscription of the Oracle
Permanently adds 6 mana per 5 sec. and up to 22 healing to a shoulder slot item. Does not stack with other enchantments for the selected equipment slot.

Greater Inscription of Warding
Permanently adds 15 dodge rating and 10 defense rating to a shoulder slot item. Does not stack with other enchantments for the selected equipment slot.
Greater Inscription of the Orb
Permanently adds 15 spell critical strike rating and up to 12 spell damage to a shoulder slot item. Does not stack with other enchantments for the selected equipment slot.

I've left out the lesser inscriptions as they are pointless to base your opinion on. They contain, for the aldor, additional attack power, spell damage, and dodge rating. Scryer contain only the critical strike, defense rating, MP5, and spell critical.

Craftables & Spellthread
Additionally, you must choose sides based on your professions. The Scryers and Aldor both sell recipes for "Spellthread" (Talioring) and armor kits (Leatherworkers).

For spellthread recipes, you can break it down that the Scryers have the Mystic Spellthread (25 spell damage/15 stamina) and the Aldors have the Golden Spellthread (51 healing/18 stamina). Now, the funny thing about spellthread is that if your guild doesn't have a Scryer Talior in it then you can search out a pubby one since spellthread isn't Bind on Pickup. So feel free to take whichever side you want.

For the armor kits (which are tradeable as well), the Scryers offer a Magisters Armor Kit that adds 3 MP/5 (mana per 5 sec.) to chest, legs, hands, or feet. The Aldor offer the Vindicator's Armor Kit which adds 8 defense rating on chest, legs, hands, or feet. Both act as regular armor kits and the kits are tradeable.

For Blacksmiths, the equipable gear (which isn't overly impressive, outside of the resists). the Aldors offer a set of fire resistance craftable gear while the Scryer's offer a set of Arcane resistance craftable gear.

Alchemist may find that both choices are kind of meh, with the Scryers having the only recipe which is a potion that offers 65 Fire Damage for one hour.

For Jewelcrafting, the following gem recipes are available for each side:

Aldor Scryer
Design: Gleaming Golden Draenite
+6 Spell Critical Rating
"Matches a Yellow Socket."
Design: Dazzling Deep Peridot
+1 Mana every 5 Sec and 3 Intellect
"Matches a Yellow or Blue Socket."

Design: Royal Shadow Draenite
+7 Healing Spells & +1 Mana per 5 Seconds
"Matches a Red or Blue Socket."
Design: Runed Blood Garnet
+7 Spell Damage
"Matches a Red Socket."

Which to pick
While I could easily offer up a list of who I think should pick what (for instance, Rogues going with Scryer's due to the critical strike being very appealing for a Rogue), I'm not going to. You should look at the rewards and pick for yourself based on what you want. If the numbers are confusing (which they can be), it breaks down to PvE/additional damage being the Aldor's claim to fame while PvP/additional critical strike chance being the Scryer's claim. The craftables are pretty meh and most of the items are not BoP so you can get others to craft them for you.

If you pick wrong and insist on changing (for just a few points of spell damage/critical strike, really the differnce isn't too much unless you are wanting to hardcore min/max) then you'll need to grind the opposite reputation for a very long time. So, really, don't worry if you pick wrong and panic to try to grind your rep in reverse. The rewards are VERY similar to one another and 5 critical strike rating or 7 spell damage isn't going to make or break your character.

The purchaseable items aren't included because they are rather substandard to dungeon loot. You shouldn't pick based on that because you'll have SO many options for gear available that you should just focus on the enchants and recipes.

One last thing, yes you can change sides and get both sides recipes if you are a completionist. Just remember when you gain faction with one side you loose a lot more with the other (until a certain point). So it'll take some time to grind all the way back up with the other faction, but it's possible. If you drop below Friendly status a quest opens up with both sides in the Lower City that lets you get back up to Friendly (250 rep for one faction, negative 270 for the other). At Friendly, the quest is no longer offered.
