Holy Paladin Macros

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Divine Favor + Holy Light Macro

#show Divine Favor
/cast Divine Favor
/cast Holy Light

Trinket + Holy Light Macro

#show Holy Light
/use 13
/cast Holy Light

In macro speak the number 13 is your top trinket slot (14 is the bottom trinket), so long as your healing trinket is in that slot then you¡¯re good to go!

Assist Holy Light Heal Macro

/cast Holy Light

Great macro to have while doing trash, simply target the mobs you are killing and press this macro. It will assist the boss and target the target they are currently attacking.

Assist Flash of Light Heal Macro

/cast Flash of Light

Same functionality as the previous macro, just for flash of lights.

Mouse Over Holy Light

/cast [target=mouseover,exists] Holy Light

Excellent macro for raiders. This will allow you to heal by just mousing over a target player or by mousing over their raid frame. I absolutely love this macro on my shaman.

Mouse Over Flash of Light

/cast [target=mouseover,exists] Flash of Light

Same functionality as above, just for flash of light.

Mouse Over Clenase

/cast [target=mouseover,exists] Cleanse

Same functionality as above, just for cleanse.

Battlegrounds Spam Healing Macro

/targetfriend [nodead]
/cast [nodead] Flash of Light

This macro will automatically target friendly players near you and cast flash of light, great for battlegrounds like AV where there are so many players around you can¡¯t always immediately tell who is taking damage.

Pretty basic macro that casts divine favor immediatly before your heal. You could change ¡°holy light¡± to another healing spell, such as flash of light or even holy shock.
