WOW Player Interaction

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Player Interaction

/a [allied target] (alias '/assist') - Attack what an allied target is attacking. If no target is specified, assist your current target.

/assist [allied target] (alias '/a') - Attack what an allied target is attacking. If no target is specified, assist your current target.

/f [allied player] (aliases '/fol' and '/follow') - Follow an allied player. If no player is specified, follow your current target.

/fol [allied player] (aliases '/f' and '/follow') - Follow an allied player. If no player is specified, follow your current target.

/follow [allied player] (aliases '/f' and '/fol') - Follow an allied player. If no player is specified, follow your current target.

/ins [allied player] (alias '/inspect') - Inspect an allied player. If no player is specified, inspect your current target.

/inspect [allied player] (alias '/ins') - Inspect an allied player. If no player is specified, inspect your current target.

/tr [allied player] (alias '/trade') - Open a trade window with an allied player. If no player is specified, trade with your current target.

/trade [allied player] (alias '/tr') - Open a trade window with an allied player. If no player is specified, trade with your current target.
