WoW Molten Ingot

Item NameZoneCoordsNotes
Molten IngotThe Waking Shores/way 35.5 64.3West of Obsidian Bulwark by a lava river, near a fishing trainer. Kick 3 ingots into the lava to spawn a mob. Chest that spawns afterward contains the item. Just north of Qalashi Weapon Diagram

Blacksmithing Treasures

Item NameZoneCoordsNotes
Ancient MonumentThe Waking Shores/way 22.0 87.0Apex Canopy; four yellow Enchanted Bulwarks surrounding a sword on a pedestal
Curious IngotsThe Waking Shores/way 65.5 25.7Scalecracker Keep, ingot on the ground near a big hut next to a forge
Molten IngotThe Waking Shores/way 35.5 64.3West of Obsidian Bulwark by a lava river, near a fishing trainer. Kick 3 ingots into the lava to spawn a mob. Chest that spawns afterward contains the item. Just north of Qalashi Weapon Diagram
Qalashi Weapon DiagramThe Waking Shores/way 34.5 67.1West of Obsidian Bulwark in an island surrounded by lava, on top of an anvil. Just south of Molten Ingot
Ancient Spear ShardsOhn'ahran Plains/way 81.1 37.9Inside a cave west of Rusza'thar Reach. Cave inhabited by neutral Shale Giants; entrance /way 79.4 36.5
Falconer Gauntlet DrawingsOhn'ahran Plains/way 50.9 66.5Island in the sea, inside a hut.
Spelltouched TongsThe Azure Span/way 53.1 65.3Azure Archives, inside a small cave. Blocked by a Rock Wall, so you will need to be a miner or get one to help you open the wall.
Draconic FluxThaldraszus/way 52.2 80.5Shifting Sands, west of the Shifting Sands flightpoint. Inside a building, a bit high up.

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