WoW Dracthyr Starting Zone – Dragonflight

WoW Dracthyr Starting Zone

Character classes Evoker
Main language Draconic
Secondary language Common
Starting zone Forbidden Reach, Dragon Isles
Racial leader Azurathel
Racial mount Vorquin

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  • Similar to the worgen, the dracthyr are going to be in dracthyr form when in combat. The armor that a dracthyr wears is a type of armor that will be able to be customizable at the barbershop. So dracthyr should be able to wear shoulders, tabards, and belts across their visage and dracthyr form. All armor pieces will be visible on the visage form.
  • The dracthyr were conceived before the evoker class.
  • Dragonflight is required to play the Dracthyr Evoker, and players are limited to one dracthyr per realm as they are only available as a hero class. A player’s first dracthyr can be created without additional restrictions, but creating another dracthyr character will require a pre-existing level 50 character on their realm of choice.
  • The dracthyr were created by Neltharion 20,000 years ago. This means that a dracthyr player character is the oldest possible player character available among all races, although they spent most of that time in stasis.

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