DK Frost Builds

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Frost (17/54/00)

Frost is probably the most different spec of all three trees. You essentially replace your RP dump with a new ability, Frost Strike. While it's more powerful than DC, there are less DPS talents in the Frost tree, which evens the playing field. Since this build is the only build other than 51/13/07 that has Annihilation and it has no Heart Strike, this build's main attack is Obliterate. The only other rune attack that you'll be using outside of PS/IT/OB is Blood Strike, and that will be to take advantage of the Blood of the North talent, which changes Blood Runes to Death Runes after using a Blood Strike. Your rotation will orient around getting your two diseases up, BSing, and then blowing the rest of your runes on OBs and then dumping RP with FS.

Frost allows for Improved Icy Talon and Frost Aura. Frost Aura is the most lackluster of the 3 Death Knight Aura, giving only 5 more Resist then an improved mark of the wild and thus often being totally skipped in DK build (as it is in the one discussed here). Improved Icy Talon however, is a really powerful buff and while it doesn't stack with Windfury Totem, it free up the Shaman's Air totem - he can then use Grace of Air and Flametongue Totem, ending in a net dps increase for the raid.

One thing that's nice about this build is the talent Rime, which gives you a chance on IT to make Howling Blast (HB) free of runes. When Rime procs, use HB immediately.

This build has two procs that you need to look out for, unlike Blood's one proc (Sudden Doom). Freezing Fog is the name of the Rime proc. Killing Machine is the other. Killing Machine has a 50% chance to proc off of one of your auto-attack crits, and gives you a 100% crit chance on your next IT, HB, or FS. Obviously, we want to use this on HB or FT. Unless Rime procs, you want to save KM for FS.


PS -> IT -> BS -> BS -> OB -> FS
PS -> IT -> OB -> OB -> FS

The FS (Frost Strike) at the end of each line indicates a RP dump before continuing on.
