Wintersaber Trainers Reputation

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The Wintersaber Trainers is an Alliance-only faction consisting of only two night elven NPCs that can both be found in Winterspring. Currently, the only questgiver is Rivern Frostwind, who is located at the top of Frostsaber Rock in Winterspring. Upon reaching exalted with this faction, Rivern will sell a special mount, the Reins of the Winterspring Frostsaber.

This faction's mount is the only epic mount (100% riding speed) attainable in the game which only requires 75 riding skill (and thus only costs 90 Gold). The faction is noted for having no Horde counterpart and having the longest and most repetitive reputation grind of the entire game. The first quest can be attained at level 58, while the other two are attainable at level 60.


Reputation with the Wintersaber Trainers can only be obtained through three repeatable quests. There are no faction items or mobs that reward repuation directly.

Neutral 0 to 1500
Only one repeatable quest will available at first, so until neutral 1500/3000 is reached the Frostsaber Provisions quest should be repeated. Any Shardtooth and Chillvind mob in Winterspring will drop these. This quest should be done solo as the drop rates are low and not shared if others have the quest.

Neutral 1500 to Exalted
Halfway through neutral the Winterfall Intrusion quest will be available. This quest requires to kill 10 Winterfall mobs in the Winterfall Village, just east of Everlook. If the quest Winterfall Activity has been done with the Timbermaw Hold, Winterfall Spirit Beads can drop from the Winterfall mobs. If a player wants both reputations, saving these until revered with Timbermaw Hold will result in a lot of "free" reputation.

This quest can be done in groups for increased speed. Players grinding either Wintersaber Trainers or Timbermaw Hold reputation can often be found in the Winterfall Village. Even with an epic mount, the travel to and from Winterfall Village takes up much time. There are tigers among the route who will daze you, which will result in a demount, this should be avoided (but can be hard as they'll catch up with you on a 60% mount). Usually this quest is repeated all the way to exalted, ignoring the third quest.

Honored to Exalted
At honored the third quest Rampaging Giants is available. The quest requires the player to kill 8 Frostmaul giants. They are a lot harder than the Winterfall mobs and the travel lengths are quite longer. This quest is usually skipped, and instead Winterfall Intrusion is repeated.

Due to some players grinding Timbermaw Hold reputation, in Winterfall Village among other places, this quest can indeed turn out to be a faster reputation reward than the Winterfall Intrusion one.
