Amateur Protography – WoW Dragonflight Quest

Quest Name Level Requires Level Side Rewards Experience Gold Location
Amateur Protography
60 60 None
Wulferd’s Award-Winning Camera
9,050 27 62 The Waking Shores

Take pictures of proto-dragons.


Photograph a Proto-Dragon Egg (1)
Photograph an Optimistic Whelp learning to fly (1)
Photograph a Hungry Proto-Drake catching a fish (1)

Provided item:

Wulferd’s Award-Winning Camera (1)


So, you want to be a seasoned cataloger like me? You’ve come to the right place! The Wild Preserve is teeming with knowledge waiting to be found and filed! And how do I do that you ask? Why, with my handy Catalog-izer 3000 Dragon Isles edition–now with improved motion capture! To gain experience, photograph a proto-dragon egg, a whelp learning to fly, and a hunting proto-drake. Meet me at the ancient, proto-dragon skeleton west of here, and I’ll assess your photos.


You will receive: 25 74

Wulferd’s Award-Winning Camera


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 9,050 experience
  • 250 reputation with Dragonscale Expedition
See if you’ve already completed this by typing:

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(66524))

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Quest Guide

To complete Amateur Protography you need to take pictures of different proto-dragons.
Use provided Wulferd’s Award-Winning Camera to take photo. You just need a requested thing being on the screen.

  • Proto-Dragon Egg – there are a couple of them on the ground. Found one at 45.47 82.23, behind a proto-dragon.
  • Optimistic Whelp learning to fly – can be found near pillars, found some at 43.71 81.02. These guys are small, so look carefully.
  • Hungry Proto-Drake catching a fish – these can be found flying fast along the water. Their routes are circled, so they are easy to locate.

You can also use /tar Hungry Proto and /tar Optimistic Whelp to catch some.

Amateur Protography walkthrough –

World of Warcraft Guide & Tips