Runes and Runic Power resource systems

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How much runic power do you get after using a rune

Most rune-based abilities generate 10 runic power. A few abilities generate more runic power, and some abilities can have the amount of runic power they generate increased through talents.

Why do some Death Knight Tooltips list "requires runic power"

These abilities use your runic power instead of using a rune for their activation cost. For example, death coil does not require any runes to use, but it drains 50 runic power to cast.

Some special runic power abilities last longer based on how much runic power you have. Most notably among these are dancing rune weapon, hungering cold, summon gargoyle, and unholy blight - all high end talents within each of the talent trees.

How much runic power do these abilities use

Most runic power abilities have a set cost. Mind freeze costs 20 runic power, death coil costs 50. Some abilities, like those mentioned above, have an 'activation' cost, and then drain runic power every second to sustain the effect.

Is using a rune the -only- way to get runic power

No. Some talents generate runic power when a certain event takes place. For instance, butchery - a 2 point talent in the first tier of the blood tree - generates 20 runic power whenever you kill a target that yields experience or honor.

The "empower rune weapon" ability restores one of each rune type, and gives the death knight 20 runic power when used.
