WoW Secrets - World of Warcraft Secrets

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1. Lil¡¯ Timmy
Lil¡¯ Timmy is one of the game¡¯s best (and hardest to find) pet dealers. Timmy doesn¡¯t spawn often, but when he does, he wanders the streets of Stormwind trying to sell his only pet - a white kitten. The kitten costs 60s and easily sells for 5+ gold at auction. Timmy¡¯s spawn times are random, but he appears at the end of the canal between Old Town and the Trade District in Stormwind. Just wait at the bridge between the two districts (you can even skill up your fishing) and wait for him to come by.

2. Free Loot - Short John Mithril¡¯s Chest
Every three hours (12, 3, 6, 9) in Stanglethorn Vale Short John Mithril puts a chest full of loot in the Gurubashi Arean (PVP area) for players to fight over. When the servers goes down for weekly maintenance, I log out in the Gurubashi arena in front of the chest. When the servers come back up again, I log in and retrieve the chest fast. If you¡¯re sitting around waiting for the servers to come up anyway, you might as well make a few gold for your trouble. Just log out at the chest the previous day then log in at 11:00 when the servers open and the chest will be spawned during the maintanence at 9:00 and you¡¯ll be the closest one there to loot it.

3. Don¡¯t Sell in Large Stacks
When you want to sell stacks of items at the Auction House break it up into 1 or 2 item stacks. Although it may seem counter-intuitive, smaller stacks sell at higher prices than a large stack of the same item. Players who only need one or two Mithril bars, herbs, or leather pieces love to see those small stacks and many players just don¡¯t do the math and will buy your smaller stacks even when the large stacks are a better deal. You can usually get away with charging 120 to 150% of the standard price for a smaller stack with thie WoW secret.

4. Rare Whelpling Pets
Tiny Crimson Whelpling: You have to farm this pet from the game world and it takes a little grinding to finally get one. Start in the Eastern Wetlands where you have to kill Crimson, Red, and Flamesnorting whelps to get the drop. With a drop rate of one in a thousand these little guys are worth much more then their weight in gold (you can bank on about 35 gold at auction for this rare pet).

Tiny Emerald Whelpling: In the southwest corner of the Swamp of Sorrows are the Dreaming Whelps. Farm these long enough and they¡¯ll eventually drop a Tiny Emerald Whelpling.

5. Mount Up on a Boat
When you¡¯re on the boat after the screen loads when entering Kalimdor or Eastern Kingdoms, go to the very edge of either the net above the end or the actual end of the boat. Once you¡¯re on the very, VERY edge, mount up! Your mount will load and you¡¯ll be ready to go before the boat even docks. It saves a bunch of time because you don¡¯t have to run off the boat, stop, mount, then go. If it doesn¡¯t work at first, just keep inching forward and hitting your mount - eventually you¡¯ll feel like you¡¯re about to fall off the boat and

6. Lesser Bloodstone Ore
Not really a World of Warcraft secret but a secret way I used to bank over 200 between level 35 and 40. First, you need to be a miner. If you¡¯re not a miner, consider taking up mining (or making a mining alt) because this racket is just that good. Around level 35 you can get a quest from Krazak (¡±Favor for Krazak¡±) in Booty Bay to go to ¡°a mountain cave in Drywhisker Gorge, far to the north in the Arathi Highlands¡± and bring back 4 loads of Lesser Bloodstone Ore. The cave (at location 80,40 - go up the fissure in the mountains to get there) is guarded by level 35-38 kobolds but they went down pretty easy to my level 35 Shaman.

In addition to the Bloodstone deposits, the cave has four different chest spawn points along with plentiful Mithril and Iron nodes. The WoW secret is that after you complete the quest, you can easily sell your excess Bloodstone Ore in groups of four to other players who need to complete the quest. I would farm this cave and put up three auctions of four ores each night (in the Blackwater Auction House in Booty Bay) and sell out with a buyout of 95s each - not to mention the Mithril (around 30s each) you can sell too!

7. The Infinite Bank Account
Mail is a great extra bank account. Create a level 1 alt and mail it everything you want to save. Mail can sit in the mailbox for 29 days at which point you just hit the ¡®return mail¡¯ button to send the items back to your main for another 29 days. I wouldn¡¯t recommend this for something you want to save indefinately, but for stuff you¡¯re holding onto waiting for supply to dwindle in the Auction House or for crafting materials you know you¡¯ll use within a few weeks, the infinite mail bank account is a great tool.

8. Newman¡¯s Landing
Newman¡¯s Landing is a small area off the west coast of Dun Morogh at coordinates 10,75. The area holds one dilapidated building (similar to the buildings in Moonbrook in Westfall) and a dock. At the building there¡¯s an alcohol still, several open boxes of grain, and many piles of bones. On the dock there¡¯s a sign that reads ¡°Newman¡¯s Landing¡±, a table, several lanterns, and a sunken boat in the water below. Nothing much to do here - just an out of the way WoW secret.

9. The Chicken Quest
Go over to Westfall and find a chicken (any chicken will do) on Saldeans Farm. To unlock this secret you have to do the ¡®chicken dance¡¯ for the chicken a few dozen times. Set up a macro (Options, Macros, choose an icon and enter the command ¡°/chicken¡±) and put the icon for the macro on your action bar. Once you hit the magic number of chicken dances, you¡¯ll get this message: ¡°Chicken looks at you quizzically. Maybe you should inspect it.¡± Inspect the chicken, accept the quest, then buy the special chicken feed from Farmer Saldean. Return to the chicken and type ¡°/cheer¡± before feeding it and the chicken will lay an egg producing a rare WoW secrets pet - the prairie chicken!
