Wanted: Lost Tuskarr Kite – WoW Dragonflight Quest

Quest Name Level Requires Level Side Rewards Experience Gold Location
Wanted: Lost Tuskarr Kite
60 60 None 9,050 30 Dragonscale Expedition

Find the Lost Tuskarr Kite.

Lost Tuskarr Kite (1)


<The posted sign is written in beautiful calligraphy.> The archivists humbly request that all expedition members seek out the Lost Tuskarr Kite for our artifact archives. If acquired, please deliver to Cataloger Jakes for processing and compensation. Some expedition members have reported seeing such a kite attached to a tuskarr transport along the western coast, but none have been able to reach it as the transport keeps it aloft and out of reach when traveling.


You will receive:

Dragon Isles Supplies


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 100 reputation with Dragonscale Expedition
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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(70992))

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Quest Guide

You have to wait for the boat to arrive at the dock, then the kite is attached at the back of the boat.

The boat goes to every continent on Azeroth. It takes a long time, but I promise it’s going to arrive eventually. I think I must have been waiting 20 minutes. It only stayed for a minute.

Just… keep waiting.

The video shows the item at the Waking Shores. My map shows it at Uktulut Pier. The transport mentioned in the quest text was not at either pier. I had to wait for it to arrive at the Waking Shores and then it was floating in the water. You can ride the transport and the item appears when it arrives at the Waking Shores.

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