Death's Breach

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When you report to Prince Valanar for The Scarlet Harvest , he will give you a new quest, and it will open up three others in the area:

  • If Chaos Drives, Let Suffering Hold the Reins - kill stuff nearby in Havenshire.
  • Grand Theft Palomino - approach a horse in the stables, mount it, and bring it back to Death's Breach.
  • Death's Challenge - duel 5 players or Death Knight Initiates.
  • Tonight We Dine in Havenshire - collect fallen arrows in the farms area.

If you are being efficiency-minded, and there's really no reason to be, focus on collecting the horse last. Go to the farm and get your arrows and your kill count first. (You can do Death's Challenge whenever.) After you return the horse by dismounting it next to Salanar the Horseman, he will give you the follow-up quest Into the Realm of Shadows , which is your first real taste into the instancing of the zone. Run down into where the Havenshire stables were and try to engage a Dark Rider of Acherus. Defeat him and mount his horse to take it back to Death's Breach. Salanar will join you in the shadow realm, congratule you, and tell you to speak to him outside it.[1]

When you finish all of the quests up to 15, you will be asked to talk to Gothik the Harvester , who wants you to reward the Havenshire miners with The Gift That Keeps on Giving . Go into the mine and throw his device at various miners. They will either become a ghoul or a ghost. You want ghouls, but if you get a ghost, put it to rest. Once you have 5 ghouls following you, return to Gothik. He will send you back to Valanar for An Attack of Opportunity .

Massacre at Light's Point is quite possibly the most entertaining quest in the game. There is a mining cart outside of the mine that you can hop into it, and a peasant will cart you all the way down to the Scarlet ships at Light's Point. From here, get ready to pewpew. (Sorry, no spoilers here.) Just like quest #6, you'll have a new interface, but this one will be more interesting and enjoyable. If you get knocked out of your seat, quickly get into another one nearby.

Valanar will ask you to send the report of your Victory at Death's Breach! back to Mograine in Acherus. You'll need to board one of the nearby gryphons to fly back up.

After a quick run-around quest, The Will of the Lich King , you will be instructed to report back below. Take a moment to train if you have hit 56 by now. Also, note that each quest you complete has been awarding you talent points. You have enough now that it's worth looking at the talent trees] now.

When you return to Death's Breach, the game will attribute you to the second instancing of the rest of the zone. Things will not be as you remember them. Ride onward to The Crypt of Remembrance in the rear of Havenshire. This leads to the following quests:

  • The Plaguebringer's Request from Noth the Plaguebringer out in the fields. For this, grab a chain from the smithy and a cauldron from tbe basement of the inn. And collect ALL the skulls you pick-up for a repeatable reward quest afterwards.
  • Nowhere to Run and Nowhere to Hide asks you to kill the mayor in the town hall and bring back the book next to where he stands.
  • Lambs to the Slaughter forces you to kill a ton of townsfolk and other scarlets in town, which you were going to do anyway.

Head into New Avalon, check the forge which is in and to the left, the inn in the center of town, and the town hall. You can enter the other buildings as well, but they're for later. Returning #25 gets you How to Win Friends and Influence Enemies where you will equip special swords and beat on scarlets until one cracks and talks to you. By this point you should have a ton of scarlet skulls. Take them to Noth's cauldron for more Noth's Special Brew .
