Encroaching Elementals – WoW Dragonflight Quest

Quest Name Level Requires Level Side Rewards Experience Gold Location
Encroaching Elementals
60 60 Horde 9,050 25 97 48 The Waking Shores
Encroaching Elementals
60 60 Alliance 9,050 25 74 The Waking Shores

Kill 15 primal elementals in Wingrest Embassy.


Primal elementals slain  (15)



The crafters, artisans, and explorers of the Dragonscale Expedition are ill-suited to the vigors of battle. But not you and I, $p. Here in the Dragon Isles, let us use that strength to protect those who can’t protect themselves. Clear out the elementals encroaching from the north, so the expedition can focus on their noble pursuits.


You will receive: 25 74


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 9,050 experience
  • 250 reputation with Dragonscale Expedition
See if you’ve already completed this by typing:

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(66111))

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