World of Warcraft Guild Commands

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Guild Management Guild Control Guild Banks Create Guild Rules Guild Tips Guild Rank Permissions Positive Guild Behavior Guild Commands Guild Tabards
Note: most of these commands can only be used by officers and leaders.
/ginfo - Gives basic information about your guild

/g <message> - Sends a chat message to all members of your guild

/o <message> - Sends a chat message to all officers of your guild

/ginvite <player> - Invites another player to join your guild

/gremove <player> - Removes a player from your guild

/gpromote <player> - Promotes a player one rank within your guild

/gdemote <player> - Demotes a player one rank within your guild

/gmotd <message> - Sets the guild's message of the day

/gquit - Removes you from your guild

/groster - Gives an entire guild roster (officers and leaders only)

/gleader <player> - Sets another player as the guild leader (guild leader only)

/gdisband - Disbands your guild (guild leader only). There is a confirmation dialogue when you attempt to disband your guild.
