Lofty Goals – WoW Dragonflight Quest

Quest Name Level Requires Level Side Rewards Experience Gold Location
Lofty Goals
60 60 None
Orb of Primal Gales
9,050 28 9 The Waking Shores

Find Scout Ri’tal in Hornswog Hollow.

Speak to Scout Ri’tal (1)
Speak to Scout Francisco (1)
Orb of Primal Gales (1)


Air is a powerful element. It cuts through stone and fills sails to take us where we need to go. My hypothesis is that air will be the most effective at removing this barrier. It’s simple, really. My scouts report they’ve found the Orb of Primal Gales. Scout Ri’tal can lead you to it. You can find them near Hornswog Hollow. Quickly!


You will receive: 25 74

Orb of Primal Gales


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 9,050 experience
  • 100 reputation with Valdrakken Accord
See if you’ve already completed this by typing:

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(66438))

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Quest Guide

I glided over, was a few feet away horizontally, but at the top of the tower rock, got dismounted, fell and died. Ghost flew back and rezzed right at the edge. Wait till there’s a breaking in the twisters and dash in to the orb. Careful or you can get blown off the top with some damage.

Stay as far right to the cliffside as you can. That’s the only thing that worked for me. GL
On the next part, time your passing on the first Chaotic Updraft and then stay to the left.
For the next area, there’s a whirlpool-looking thing that will shoot you to the next place where the Orb of Primal Gales lies. Click it and the Chaotic Updrafts stop.

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