Stay a While – WoW Dragonflight Quest

Quest Name Level Requires Level Side Rewards Experience Gold Location
Stay a While
60 60 None 4,550 14 4 50 The Waking Shores

Sit for a while, and look at the landscape.

Sit and look at the view (1)
Listen to Veritistrasz’s Stories (1)


<The Old Dwarf doesn’t react to your presence as you approach, as he gazes over the landscape, a deep frown set in his face. It’s a pleasant view, it might be nice to take a break and watch the landscape>


You will receive: 12 87


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 4,550 experience
  • 24 reputation with Valdrakken Accord
See if you’ve already completed this by typing:

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(70132))

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Quest Guide

The quest is a series of gossip windows that trigger NPC emote text.

The quest as of build tends to stall out frequently.

To progress the quest – use the exit vehicle option, move away from the NPC until the extra action button vanishes – the return to the NPC and use the extra action button again and continue until it next stalls. Rinse repeat until the NPC runs out of things to do and the gold quest hand in marker appears over his head.

Me, a draenei, when he says

“Imagine that you have forgotten how to get to your childhood home. You can never visit again, can never walk the paths of your childhood. ……. you finally visit it only to find it completely different”

Been there, done that buddy!

Trying to complete this today I was unable to get a pop-up gossip window after the initial one. I used the vehicle exit button, backed away and tried again but that didn’t work either. I had to log out in between every story, while still seated and having the buff “sit awhile” for it to give me a next option when I came back in. If I relogged while I did not have the buff, it just gave me the same “ask” again. No addons used.

After being sentimental (guessing cos I’m a Gnome) he follows by saying “Although… I heard Gnomeregan was lost for a while and the damage will last for many years? I imagine you can relate to what I’m talking about”

The reason I am here, looking over this alien landscape, is because for such a long time… I dreamed about returning here.
This is my home. I never expected we would be gone for so long. After a while, I never expected to return

You can probably remember where you grew up. Can smell your parents cooking, can remember playing with your friends who lived close by.
Now Imagine that you have forgotten hot to get to your childhood home. You can never visit again, can never walk the paths of your childhood.

Ten thousand years…. I can barely believe it’s been that long since we left.
You can’t imagine how awful that time was, the fear that surrounded us. The Sundering, the Betrayal of the black dragonflight, The Dragon Wars.

The Dragon Wars… you may call it something different, but i was there, and that’s what I call it. All the dragonflights versus the black dragonflight.
You would think it would be an easy fight? Four versus one after all, even with the Demon Soul.
The blue flight was nearly destroyed in Neltharion’s initial strike, so three to one. Still great odds. Until you realize what it was like.

What do you mean?
You only know Neltharion as Deathwing, and his brood as mad, evil beings. We knew them before they fell.
This wasn’t some unknown menace, this wasn’t some great evil looming like the Legion was. These were our friends, our loved ones.

That sounds awful!
It was awful, not knowing what’s going on. Thinking there was something you could do to snap them out of it.
They were my friends… and they were killing my brothers and sisters.

You had friends in the black dragonflight?
I had many friends in that dragonflight, some as close as clutch mates. Heh, growing up we used to play pranks on the elders.
I remember one time we coated Alexstrasza’s tail in honey while she slept and … ah…. what does it matter.
My best friend was of the black dragonflight, we intermingled a lot, back in those days… Not like now, where most flights keep to themselves.

Tell me more about your friend.
Isn’t it funny? I can’t remember her name. I can remember her face, I can remember how the light bounced off her beautiful scales, but I can’t remember her name.
I can remember the horror when I came home to find her standing over the bodies of my family, practically her family.
I can remember the gut wrenching despair as I plunged my claw into her throat, and i remember the hate in her eyes as the light went out in them… But I can’t remember her name.
I’ve always wondered, if I had been a better friend, could I have prevented it? did she not feel like she could come to me as she felt the corruption starting?
Ebyssian was cleansed, there must have been something I could have done? Butr she didn’t come to me, must have felt she couldn’t talk to me about it.
If I was a better friend… if I had told her… Oh Titans, if I had told her how I felt… Could it have gone differently?… I loved her… And I can’t remember her name?

“Tell me more about your friend” is the final query to complete the quest.

You have to click the dwarf several times and ask him for his story.

If you leave early with the ‘I’m busy’ option, you can turn the quest in. However, doing this will lock that character out from recieving the follow up quest Memories to retrieve his time capsule – which awards the Spiked Crest customisation for the Renewed Proto-Drake.

I had to ask ‘tell me more about your friend’ 4 times before I got the quest completed. That is the last interaction to get it to complete.

Waste of time. After listening to him reminisce for what seemed like an hour, but was probably only 15 minutes, he wouldn’t offer me any other choices than “busy” and then nothing. Couldn’t complete the quest.

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