A Toxic Problem – WoW Dragonflight Quest

Quest Name Level Requires Level Side Rewards Experience Gold Location
A Toxic Problem

Dracthyr, Dracthyr
58 58 7,900 25 50 60 The Forbidden Reach

Collect 6 Toxin Glands.

Toxin Gland (6)


You recover quickly, <name>. Good. Those who escaped my creche are healing, but others remain trapped inside. Rush in to save them and I will just have to drag you out again. There are beetle nests scattered around the caldera. Their toxin glands might provide a way to counter the effects of that poison. I am in no shape to collect them myself. I must rely upon your skills, evoker.


You will receive: 25 27 20


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 7,900 experience
See if you’ve already completed this by typing:

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(65073))

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