Wow Undercity Royal Quarter

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The Undercity is the capital city of the Undead. It is built under the remains of the city of Lordaeron. It is foul and dark, with twisted gothic architecture and plague-green canals.

The Royal Quarter of the Undercity contains the throne room where the Dark Lady Sylvanas Windrunner, and Bragor Bloodfist. control their burgeoning empire of undeath. It is protected by a squad of elite Royal Dreadguards. The entrance can be found in the Apothecariumadjacent to the green sludge moat.

This is also the home to the Battlemasters, the NPCs who provide a means to accessBattlegrounds.

Journey to Undercity

Take The Lady's Necklace to Lady Sylvanas Windrunner at the Royal Quarter in Undercity.

The Lady's Necklace (Provided)


This is quite extraordinary! It appears to be a gift to Lady Sylvanas Windrunner from her sister, Alleria!

You must take it to her in the Undercity at once! The lady holds court in the Royal Quarter.

To get there, use the orb of translocation in the Inner Sanctum of Sunfury Spire in Silvermoon City to cross over to the Undercity. Once there, take the elevator ride down into the city proper. Use your maps if you need help finding the Royal Quarter.
