Friend on the Mend – WoW Dragonflight Quest

Quest Name Level Requires Level Side Rewards Experience Gold Location
Friend on the Mend
60 60 None 4,550 12 98 74 The Waking Shores

Collect 5 Soft Ruby Feathers, 3 Scraps of Fabric, and 1 Glass Bead from around the Ruby Lifeshrine to help repair Happy Duck.

Soft Ruby Feather (5)
Scrap of Fabric (3)
Glass Bead (1)
Rathestrasz slain (1)
Valdestrasz slain (1)
Tirastrasza slain (1)
Andustrasza slain (1)
Estarastrasz slain (1)
Lyrastrasz slain (1)


Happy Duck got hurt while we were flying around… He was doing so good and then I… I hit a tree! <Lillistrasza gestures mournfully at the damaged duck plushie on her head.> His stuffing is falling out! His feathers are all bent! One of his eyes is gone! Noooo! You can help fix Happy Duck, right?


You will receive: 12 87


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 4,550 experience
  • 50 reputation with Valdrakken Accord
See if you’ve already completed this by typing:

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(70058))

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Quest Guide

Rewards the toy Lucky Duck which puts a Duck plush on top of your head

The Dragonflights and Azeroth itself may be in peril but when a little dragon whelp mourns her injured duck plushie that takes priority!

This little Whelping and her Plushie Duck are precious and should be protected by all costs.

The Glass Bead is on the table.

Thank goodness for sparkling… some of the items are hard to see. Moving your camera can help sometimes.

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