How to Glide with Your Dragon – WoW Dragonflight Quest

Quest Name Level Requires Level Side Rewards Experience Gold Location
How to Glide with Your Dragon
60 60 None
4,550 12 98 74 The Waking Shores

Glide through the rings and land in the target area.

Hop on your Renewed Proto-Drake mount (1)
Glide Through The Rings (5)
Land in the Target Area (1)


Let us start with the basics. If you fly straight you will wear yourself out right now. Use gravity as an aid and aim slightly down to fly a long distance. The rings will give you the general angle that you should use for basic gliding. First, call upon your drake. Then, fly through the rings and land at the target location. If you find yourself stuck, use the Bronze Timepiece and Celormu will reset you.


You will receive: 12 87

Renewed Proto-Drake
Bronze Timepiece


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 4,550 experience
  • 50 reputation with Valdrakken Accord
See if you’ve already completed this by typing:

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(65118))

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Quest Guide

It took me a few times to do the How to Glide with Your Dragon, it appears that if you miss the first ring, the others don’t seem to register either.

You don’t need to use your space bar at all, just mount your Renewed Proto-Drake, move to the edge of the ledge, point your camera at the first ring and walk off the edge.

need lvl 60 to complete this quest

Remember to learn your new dragon and use it 🙂
The dragon is in your bag.

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