Tangle with the Tarasek – WoW Dragonflight Quest

Quest Name Level Requires Level Side Rewards Experience Gold Location
Tangle with the Tarasek

Dracthyr, Dracthyr
58 58 7,900 25 74 The Forbidden Reach

Slay 7 tarasek.


Tarasek slain  (7)



The tarasek are unpredictable and wild. Like primordial drakonid, if you will. Neltharion considered them little more than fodder. Targets for our training. But they are cunning hunters, and deadly when encountered in packs. Should they gain elemental power from these Primalists, they will become even more dangerous. We cannot let that happen, <name>. Thin their numbers.


You will receive: 25 27 20


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 7,900 experience
See if you’ve already completed this by typing:

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(65049))

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