Druid strategy guide

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z1 - General Druid Information
z2 - Professions and Grouping
z3 - Shapeshifting
z4 - Druid Specific Quests
z5 - Druid Spells
z6 - Introduction to PvP
z7 - Druid PvP Tips
z8 - Druid Movies (PvP/PvE) and Other Links

Guide for Feral & Balance leveling v.2.2
Balance Leveling v.2.0.1
Low level BGs
Q&A and links to additional resources
Appendix (Poster Suggestions).
Equipping for PvP & PvE
Low Level "Feral" gear

General Tips-

  • Faerie Fire reduces a target¡¯s armor, making them take more damage. It is a very useful spell if there are melee damage dealers in the party.
  • Depending on where you¡¯re fighting, Entangling Roots and Hibernate can be wonderful crowd control.
  • If you¡¯re pulling, use Cat Form, Prowl, and Track Humanoids (if you¡¯re fighting humanoids) to be aware of your surroundings. Moonfire can be a good way to pull, but some tanks may have a hard time getting aggro from you occasionally.
  • Mark of the Wild is possibly the best buff in the game. Keep it and Thorns on all group members.
  • With your different forms, you can take on three different roles in a party easily. If something goes wrong, you can switch roles and save the day.
  • If a vital group member dies, you can resurrect them during the battle. It has a 30 minute cooldown, but it can save the group.
  • You can remove both curses and poisons from a target. These spells can be very harmful and should usually be cured as soon as possible.
  • You regain mana while in a different form. If you start to run low, and there¡¯s a backup player for your role, see if one of your other forms can be useful to the party.

Aggro Management-

  • If you¡¯re a healer, try to use your lighter spells as much as possible. They are more mana efficient, and generate less aggro. The Druid has a hard time losing aggro, so try to go slow and steady.
  • If needed, change forms and use Cower. While not very reliable against monsters higher level than you, it works well on monsters your level or lower.
  • If your party can stand not being healed, another option is to switch to Bear Form and wait for the tank to grab the monsters off you. Bear Form¡¯s increased armor and hit points help out a lot.
  • Rejuvenation is wonderful, as you cast it once and it heals over time.
  • If you¡¯re a tank, Bear Form has a taunt, and an area taunt. Save Growl for when a monster stops attacking you, as it only works if you are not being attacked.
  • Druid/Warrior Arena Matchups Guide:page1,page2,page3,page4,page5,page6,page7,page8
